One can’t play under Linux, they said.

I don’t care for ~20 years by now and since 2016 I can’t keep up with my queue any more. The variety became just too much.

Find screenshots of a fraction of the games that came native to Linux in the last years attached. The selection is random since I simply searched for files of the image type when all the screenshots came up.

3 thoughts on “One can’t play under Linux

  1. @Xanatos @beko while it's always good to have alternatives I'm basically swimming in games (The ActivityPub plugin doesn't syndicate galleries so you'd have to visit the page so this may be confusing) and the amdgpu drivers are rock solid.

    Not much out there that crossed my paths that made trouble.

    In fact I can only think of one Direct3D7 (!) game that gives me trouble but I feel that's not a Linux problem *sigh

    Edith says: Heck and that was 7 years ago!!1eleven

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