today’s experiment… FAILED
Format: Status
Animal Fitness
Do training #04, #05, #06 for three weeks.
🏆 Achievement unlocked: ANIMAL FITNESS Level 2
Yesss, I did it. A week later due to some knee pain but I finally made it to Level 2 of the program 💃
I’d have just one question for it’s author: How the hell do you fix that gorram mat to the ground? Is it glued to the floor?
Animal Fitness
Do training #01, #02, #03 for three weeks.
Case of illness *sigh :/
User Slice of beko
loaded active active User Slice of beko user-1138.slice
I’d like to write more about my daily #emobility experience. Problems, trouble, not working chargers, empty battery, not reaching my destination n stuff.. you know.
It’s just that there aren’t any – it just works 🐸
First pell training this year. I really slacked off. Man.. my arms are hurting now. Still great to train outside again ?

Bye Squeeze
Pulling the plug on old servers of mine always makes me sad.