I'm not sure about you, but I still don't know what I want to do when I grow up. I'm always searching for new things to do, set myself new challenges, experiment in new fields. The drawback is that I still have this feeling I haven't accomplished anything, have not enough experience in
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“Finanzielles Ziel: In der Lage sein, die ganzen Künstler und Selbstständigen zu unterstützen, deren Kunst und Produkte ich toll finde.”
The scene: post-conference, sat in an airport, one dark winter's morning. I'm casually chatting to one of the other speakers about our mutual hate of being sat in an airport this early. His phone rings and he excuses himself to answer it. My German is pretty rusty, but good enough to understand "......
“Restaurants, die es nur eine Facebook Seite haben.... WARUM????”
“Wiso hast Du kein Facebook. Schaff dir endlich Facebook an. Kein Mensch ist auf Twitter. Wieso hast du kein WhatsApp. Oder wenigstens Facebook. Was vernünftiges. ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️ Genau aus diesem Grund!”
The free and open source space strategy sim FreeOrion has a new release out, the first in quite some time.
“So #twitterbeichte Ich hasse nonmentions. Wenn ihr jemand etwas sagen wollt, sagt es doch einfach direkt der Person.”
@elmine it is probably a problem related to gdpr. As for me personally I don’t care because I use my own setup to keep some privacy when it comes to tracking. Also I’m reading your feed that doesn’t embed anyway 😁
There’s some no cookies domain for YT you could use tho. Find that option in extended embed dialog on share. Not much use if a visitor is logged in to G tho.
I doubt there’s a good solution for privacy and usability at the same time.