All the (active) sites using Webmention that I found so far [March 2024] by Matthew BrownMatthew Brown (

Readers with long memories will remember my post “All the (active) sites using Webmention that I find (sic) so far” – the May 2022 edition and then the June 2022 edition. This is that list but updated for March 2024 and put in some sort of logical order in a post with a grammatically improved […]

Wonder where you look, because that list doesn’t look _that_ exhaustive 🙃

Also Hi from an IndieWeb-Priest 🤓

I touched and I’m in awe (or should I say ? 🤓). What an awesome piece of software for all audio recording and editing needs.

Audio editing with Ardour stretched over three displays. In the foreground is my button box - that piece of my that also assists me during daytime work due to it's shiton of buttons and the extra display in the middle.

And I’d never have found it if it wasn’t for quitting on me yesterday. Which, in all fairness, could be tracked down to an Oopsie in the USB stack for the microphone. A good old fashioned reboot fixed this in the end.

Anyway, I’m in love and I kinda expected it already but really has a great quickstart video on it as well:

TIL: google-chrome ships a script to maintain and update signatures to `/etc/cron.daily/google-chrome`

This failed and brought down the whole update progress in the background due to an unknown signature for the google-chrome package

Found out by chance today – updates are usually that smooth that I didn’t notice they stalled for weeks o0

> The GPG keys listed for the “google-chrome” repository are already installed but they are not correct for this package.
> Error: GPG check FAILED

Solution was to run that script manually (as root) so it could update it’s repository config.

Hello, this note is written with . If you are reading this with any other software via : Gratulation.

Apparently there is a lot of rage about WordPress COM (that’s the company) changing their terms of service.

This here is just another self hosted WordPress instance (that’s the software) federating with the Fediverse *since 2019* – just like a shiton of other software you may never have heard about – and is not affiliated with said company in any way.

So… mebbe cool your jets. It’s not the software that makes weird policy decisions.

Still have the urge to block, bEcAusE WoRdPReSs? Go ahead 🤷 Just waiting for FediverseIsGoingGreat to pop up any day now.

Tried – an online Arduino simulator – and ditched it again after fiddling with it for 5 minutes.

Looks good on first glance, admitted.

Raised my first eyebrow after not finding a diode. Ah well, used a 0-resistor instead as placeholder. I don’t see how I can demo a button matrix like that though.

Checked the download as ZIP function. Hm, there is no upload function, guess I have to register for saving online. Guess I can also just import the project text files via copy and paste again. Not comfortable but I can live with that. Found open tickets for both btw.

Made a little power distribution strip on a mini breadboard. Annoying, I have to adjust the colour of each connecting wire. Nice: The text editor allows mass selection just like vscode, so I can easily update a bunch of colours after making all connections. That’s something at least.

Added and wired up two Neopixels. That was annoying, they default to a perfect rectangle wich results in overlapping connection wires on the auto grid. Always. Tried to add a rotate property of 45 deg on a hunch – that worked! Why is there no option for this like with the resistors?

Eventually I tried to upload the Adafruit NeoPixel lib to get some blinken lights going… please subscribe to upload a library with a monthly fee of (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

I get it, we all want to earn money. I added whopping _5_ objects and run into the first brick wall. Not like this!

Guess that was a futile exercise.

On my last replacement pads for my headphones. Wrote about this at before. The last replacement pads promised to “not tear” within 6 months. What a promise of quality eh 😒

Anyway, this is how they do look half a year later. Totally tattered. I knew the parts are EOL for a while so I purchased several sets. That’s my last one however.

Used the chance to vacuum the insides a little and this may have done the trick to fix some annoying crackling of the ANC function. Mebbe a fine hair was tickling it’s mic. Mebbe it’s just my imagination and the new ones simply manage to create a proper seal again.

I already checked for replacements of the whole headset. The situation looks dire. Apparently it’s either with built in “voice assistant” – what I totally do NOT want – or they bury features, like LDAC, behind a freakin app, that introduces a privacy nightmare (and another EOL deadline). I do take recommendations here:

* ANC enabled over-ear headphones that just work™ with BT
* without app
* without voice assist
* a full day of service
* jacks for powerless usage
* dedicated ANC button to enable/disable the feature
* AAC, LDAP and|or aptX
* Multipoint would be nice
* availability of quality replacement pads

I do not need built-in microphone support. They suck anyway.

Apparently ~6000 people on the Market ~~Place~~Square of protesting against Nazis. The place is very small because it’s the medieval part of this city – surrounded by old timber-framed buildings. It was almost impossible to move.

Not too shabby considering that major cities all over the country had demonstrations going too today. Some, like the one in Munich, had to be cancelled early. Too many people showed up.