Corona-Leugner: Wasser marsch! by DanielDaniel (
Was gestern in Berlin geschah, hat den Staat nicht an den Rand des Umsturzes gebracht. Aber es motiviert und konsolidiert eine Bewegung, die von dem Gedanken beseelt ist, das eigentliche Volk, eine schweigende Mehrheit zu repräsentieren und kurz davor zu stehen, den Staat ins Wanken zu bringen. Was...
The Sound of a Landslide Not Happening by John ScalziJohn Scalzi (Whatever)
This election should have been a landslide. Faced with a choice between a decent, if uninspiring, former Vice President with a long and solid track record of competent governance, and literally the worst president since the Civil War era -- a president under whom the economy cratered, corruption reigned, human rights were stripped and mocked,…

Oh, Scalzi ♡

My feeling on this in well formed sentences 👍

This isn’t the end. I am not relieved.

Hat tip @Szlauszaf by Ben See (Twitter)
Coastal cities, agricultural breadbasket regions and water supplies for many communities all will be radically different if this planet returns to a Pliocene CO2 world. This future is not inevitable—but avoiding it will require big* steps now..'


My children will ask me one day what I did back then. So will yours.

Seems like you have “Docker” installed on your system. Show recommended extensions?

Careful #vscode – this is exactly the type of snooping around people do NOT like. Please care only about the _current_ project. Thanks. by Dave LaneDave Lane (
Ok , after months of not having commenting on my blog (having decided that using Disqus was not compatible with my #FOSS values), I've finally decided to use native Drupal commenting, including reply notification and moderation. Seems to work quite well! Only downside: I can't easily import the hist... Huh, wow. I haven’t seen a blog with in a long time so I got curious if it supports Webmentions (my favourite way for comments next to comments via social media backfeed). Turns out there is a plugin by (who is also the author of Indigenous for Android).

This means [probably] whopping awesome support in Drupal ( included) which I was not aware of:

I’m intrigued. Mebbe I should give Drupal a try.