ce­les­tial-de­vel­op­ment-up­date by Ru SinghRu Singh (rusingh.com)
Moving off GitHub: I'm mov­ing Celestial's pri­mary de­vel­op­ment away from GitHub, which will only get the oc­ca­sional pushes from now on. Issues were al­ready im­ported into the new host a while ago, but the pro­ject kan­ban boards will need to set up man­u­ally. I don't think Gitea...

Thinking of moving to Gitea too. Did you follow some specific howto or did you just rtfm? Very interested in a guide here 😆

The Master of Orion reboot has all the classic flaws of recent 4X games by Hypolite PetovanHypolite Petovan (blog.mrpetovan.com)
I bought Master of Orion: Conquer the Stars (2016) in a recent deal that included the 3 original games in the franchise started in 1993. After pulling an all-nighter on it, it feels like an old game: unreadable fights, tedious planet management with a stupid autobuild feature. I’m a huge fan of 4...

Great article by @hypolite on the flaws of recent 4X games, like Master of Orion:


I also enjoyed the first installments of this franchise and found the more recent ones falling short. Kudos for WG Labs of Wargaming World Limited to provide Linux versions tho. According to Steam I sunk at least 67h into Conquer The Stars anyway 😀

https://charlotteallen.info/2019/11/30/1082/ by Charlotte AllenCharlotte Allen (charlotteallen.info)
This blog now has Mastodon built-in, via a modification to Syndication Links.

Thanks for this change. I was waiting for this. While a custom POSSE provider worked okay-ish it left me without options about posting only the excerpt without adding the required markup manually.

Will test more over the next days.