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Linux, Programming and Gaming

Stuff and Blabla

Neat. Boils down to: PROFILEDIR=`mktemp -p /tmp -d tmp-fx-profile.XXXXXX.d` firefox -profile $PROFILEDIR -no-remote -new-instance Doing something similiar with Chrome for Debug Sessions with vscode already.

Chrchr, just like the witches and a certain broomstick 😀

Website Obesity

I was pointed to this text version of this awesome talk at Web Directions in 2015 by Maciej Cegłowski and every paragraph is still spot on: I don’t care about bloat because it’s inefficient. I care about it because it makes the web inaccessible. Maciej Cegłowski That really hits a nerv. Hat tip @data_shaman

Those were the days 😀

@_Adora_Belle_ Dies gerne auch als 📰 Artikel oder 📢 Cast für die Lesezeichen – wird gefühlt öfter gebraucht werden 👍

Case of illness *sigh :/

@elmine it is probably a problem related to gdpr. As for me personally I don’t care because I use my own setup to keep some privacy when it comes to tracking. Also I’m reading your feed that doesn’t embed anyway 😁 There’s some no cookies domain for YT you could use tho. Find that option in extended embed dialog on share. Not much use if a visitor is logged in to G tho. I doubt there’s a good solution for privacy and usability at the same time.

Switching from a small TypeScript project with roughly 65000 files scratching on a typical fs.inotify.max_user_watches limit to a small C project with just 40 files (symlinks included) always creeps me out.a somehow – sorry 😜
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