My #simPit was featured on Down To Earth Astronomy and that made me really happy 😊
Kind: Notes
Thinking about a costume for Halloween. Child 1 says I could go as fat pumpkin. Oh the burn 🤣
👂 Earplugs are cheaper in big boxes. Follow me for more parental tips.
Twike 5
Wie niedlich: – wenn ich groß, reich und schön bin will so was definitiv haben! Der @robinvonrobintv hat dazu ein Video gemacht: #Twike #electromobility
Another flawless #Fedora upgrade today. Laptop from my mother in law was still on Fedora 33 and the upgrade moved it straight to Fedora 35. Even the Nvidia driver just works. Boooring 🤪
Looks like #Owncast added #IndieAuth support: – I did not see that coming but here is the PR (with the usual suspects 😅) – awesome! There is also a call for collab.
Good to see Jon posting again after a long hiatus:
He demos his DIY PIP management and FTS button setup for his #EliteDangerous #simpit – also in a cardboard cockpit ❤️
The best video player feature, beside subtitles, is speed x2.
Why know how is mostly encoded in videos nowadays is beyond me tho.
My Primary Buffer Panel is almost completely revamped 😄 Just an #Arduino now, no more #RaspberryPi in the mix. The CY-822A is also gone. I did add an external PSU to drive as many LED as I can imagine too 😄
I also programmed support for 4 to 8 rotary encoders and there is an additional slide potentiometer sitting on my desk. I still have to find space for that – but I want that very badly since I know how mining in #StarCitizen works 🙂 That makes now 49 buttons and 4 axes so far 🙃
A more detailed write-up is planned, as usual.
I love #Macross and #simpit|s and this made my day:
There is more at with plenty of pictures.
…and this type of cockpit is so going to become my next simpit I’m already working on!