Here are the humble beginnings[1] of a working example to read the ship status of #x4foundations in a format very similar to the Status File of #EliteDangerous

Both games are quite similar and by using a “well established” format it should be possible to use this with existing companion apps – like my own #SimPit
It uses the “Named Pipe API” of “sn_mod_support_apis” – on #Linux PC 😁 This was not supported by this MOD so far but I made it work.
Well, at least on my machine 🤓
And yes, the pipe server works with some minor adjustments for other _existing_ apps as well. Here is a demo of #X4ExternalApp with a data feed directly from X4: Foundations – it does not use the #X4PythonPipeServer though, since that is not really needed, so I had to make some small adjustments in it’s connection routine but that was like 2 lines of code 🤷

[1] TBF the humble beginnings were back in 2021 ( but I kinda let it slide to tinker and build my Primary Buffer Panel ( first. Other games made it easier to retrieve game data and I did learn a lot during that time but it was X4 that started it all.
@beko Here is an [unlisted] proof of concept using a Rive animation to display ship telemetry for e.g. an MFD: / #simpit
I have most of the following events implemented in X4 now: `Commander`, `Docked`, `Undocked`, `HeatWarning`, `Loadout`, `Player`, `ReceiveText`, `ShipTargeted`, `Status`, `UnderAttack` and some more on my list I think are possible. That's the most important ones though I think.
Wonder what other ED companion apps would say to this 😁