Switching from a small TypeScript project with roughly 65000 files scratching on a typical fs.inotify.max_user_watches limit to a small C project with just 40 files (symlinks included) always creeps me out.a somehow – sorry 😜

To embed or not to embed by an author (IN FULL FLOW)
In my previous post, I embedded a YT video. I am fully aware of the trackers an embed comes with, yet I did it anyway. The main reason: I know people are generally lazy browsers so clicking on a link is already a lot of work. A second reason: I placed the

@elmine it is probably a problem related to gdpr. As for me personally I don’t care because I use my own setup to keep some privacy when it comes to tracking. Also I’m reading your feed that doesn’t embed anyway 😁

There’s some no cookies domain for YT you could use tho. Find that option in extended embed dialog on share. Not much use if a visitor is logged in to G tho.

I doubt there’s a good solution for privacy and usability at the same time.

Adora Belle on Twitter (Twitter)
“So. Bevor hier wieder Halbwahrheiten laufen erkläre ich euch mal, was #compassionateuse ist, was es mit der #Gentherapie von #SMA auf sich hat und warum es keine "#Überlebenslotterie" ist. Wen's interessiert: Ich bin mit der Herstellerfirma nicht assoziiert. #thread”

@_Adora_Belle_ Dies gerne auch als 📰 Artikel oder 📢 Cast für die Lesezeichen – wird gefühlt öfter gebraucht werden 👍

The sad case of Unreal Engine 1 on Mesa and Linux in 2020 (GamingOnLinux)
Community support for Unreal Tournament was able to breath some new life into the game, even with the limitations of the closed binary. By 2018 however the game was no longer launching for Mesa users. For an engine with such a pedigree on Linux this outcome is still disappointing.

Those were the days 😀

The Website Obesity Crisis by Maciej CegłowskiMaciej Cegłowski (idlewords.com)
I love big websites packed with images. I love high-resolution video. I love sprawling Javascript experiments or well-designed web apps. This talk isn't about any of those. It's about mostly-text sites that, for unfathomable reasons, are growing bigger with every passing year.

I was pointed to this text version of this awesome talk at Web Directions in 2015 by Maciej Cegłowski and every paragraph is still spot on:


I don’t care about bloat because it’s inefficient. I care about it because it makes the web inaccessible.

Maciej Cegłowski

That really hits a nerv.

Hat tip @data_shaman

Zauber, Überzeugungskraft, Ungewissheit und verdammte Sturheit by TaliannaTalianna (The Highway Tales)
Dies sind die vier Grundkräfte der Druiden der Scheibenwelt, so zitiert in „Das Licht der Magie“. Natürlich spielen diese auf die vier Grundkräfte der modernen Physik an: Elektromagneti…

Chrchr, just like the witches and a certain broomstick 😀


Evaluating micro.blog finally myself. All I know of it before was from presentation or FAQ and I recommended it a lot already as your one-stop solution. Time to take a closer look myself. My first trial expired because I never finished the sign up process when confronted with adding credit card information upfront. I hear this is not or no longer required and @manton, creator of all this, kindly reset my trial.

So far I’m pretty impressed. Oh and it’s also powered by – my latest favourite toy I started playing around with 😀