Marketers live in the world of data privacy regulations such as GDPR and CCPA, and the world where browsers block third-party cookie-based tracking. Here’s how you can grow your site and startup by practicing ethical marketing.
And it’s only going to get more challenging with further regulations...
“Liebe Eltern, auch in diesen Zeiten möchte ich euch gerne mit offenen Armen und in aller Freundlichkeit darum bitten und an euch appellieren, keine Bilder eurer Kinder ins Netz zu stellen. 🤗
About me #
Hi, I'm Dmitry Smurygin and I'm a frontend developer based in Taganrog, Russia. Mainly I worked on the front end of products such as Senseye, RevenueJump, and others...
Firstly, a little bit of history - when I begun this blog, I’ve already been using WordPress on Pplware for a while. So, I tought: I know it, it’s simple, it’s easy to use, I’m going to use it on my personal blog.
After deciding I was going to use WordPress, I bought a domain on GoDaddy (whi...
I didn’t know how much I was missing day to day interactions with human beings, at least ones that I have not fathered, until we held Pen Night online tonight, spending two and a half hours together in a videoconference. A meeting that, after a few had dropped out, and with pixelation to protect t...
Seit fast genau einer Woche geschieht die Schularbeit von zu Hause aus. Wir sind angehalten, keine Gruppentreffen von Lehrern abzuhalten und auch den Schüler*innen keine Gruppenaufgaben zu erteilen…
Der Coronavirus tobt durch Deutschland und zwingt uns, möglichst viel Zeit zuhause zu verbringen. Und so toll die ersten Tage auf der Couch auch waren – auf Netflix findet sich nichts Neues m…
The Fedora Project is pleased to announce the immediate availability of Fedora 32 Beta, the next step towards our planned Fedora 32 release at the end of April. Download the prerelease from our Get Fedora site: Get Fedora 32 Beta Workstation Get Fedora 32 Beta Server Or, check out one of our popular variants, including …
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