Nesten hver påske de siste årene har sekken, teltet, kokeapparat og mat blitt pakket sammen for en tur i bushen. Jeg og Aina elsker å overnatte utendørs. Men, med Covid 19 pandemien og de ristriksjoner som vår regjering har komt med må vi tenke alternativt. Så da rigger vi telt i egen hage. H...
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“Organizer für die Mittelkonsole vom #Model3 👍😇”
The motivation kicked in a bit at work. I wiped the counters down a couple of times: “passing the wipey,” as DayTech says. Being proactive with the busy work worked in my favor. With nothing left to do, I was allowed to leave 45 minutes early. I made it home, changed into something more appropriate, …
More than a month actually since this household started to live a small life. It was the longest shortest time. Or the shortest longest time. Time to celebrate some things that happened and didn't happen during this period. the Man and I still love each other,
Mostly notes to myself. My solar panels have an open API. But it's only available if I'm on the same network as the Fronius inverter. I can connect my system to so I can access it anywhere in the world - if I have the right password. SolarWeb has an (optional) guest mode. Y...
I woke up on the right side of the dirt this morning, so I've got that going for me, which is nice. Now let's see if I can accomplish anything I set out to do.
Thanks for posting. I learned a lot on ventilators from this video 👍 I mean I knew in theory how lungs work but wasn’t aware of the pesky details at all. Did it slip my mind or did Dr. House fail me on this? 😅
“@tudorfoodrecipe It certainly gets its fair share of visitors although I was lucky enough to take this during a private tour with the Castle Studies Group before the open season last year :-)”
Innovative 👍 I stumbled over FreeTube recently. It’s still on my todo list but it may be suitable for you as well.
Any ideas how to Spotify to USB btw? My kids have old fashioned players to listen to music whenever they like. I don’t want smart devices for this.
I could use youtube-dl but that’s a lot of work for all the songs kids may want on their sticks.
Half-a-dozen years ago, I proposed that web developers spend one day a year browsing without JavaScript. It's a great way to see how the web works when things break. Similarly, April 9th is CSS Naked Day. A chance to throw off the shackles of good design, and see the raw beauty of your HTML. Today i...