Oj. G changed something on their algorithm. Before when looking for I got cats. Now I get pictures from some musical. This is bad. We all know that kind of meeting that require a constant stream of cat images to keep cool!

How To Install Docker On Fedora 32 Or 31 (And Alternatives) (Linux Uprising Blog)
Fedora 32 and 31 switched to cgroup v2, and due to this Docker no longer works. This article explains your options, and how to install Docker on Fedora 32 or 31 if you don't like the alternatives.

Use they said. Deploy will be so much easier they said.

If I get this right I have to choose between three different engines and two versions of cgroups on by now – let’s not start talking about docker-compose alternatives.

Needless to say that some very aged files will fail anyway no matter what path I choose đŸ€Š

Sometimes I’m really tired of all this tech stuff

Two weeks on Micro.blog, and some discussion of by The Jayeless Micro Blog (micro.jayeless.net)
As of yesterday, I’ve now had this site on Micro.blog for two weeks. So far, I’ve really been enjoying the experience. It’s been interesting to realise that I actually do have lots to share when I have a consolidated space that feels like mine to share them, and rather than letting those stray...

Geez. What’s it with providers “selecting” what features are best for people? This is a huge let-down by micro.blog. The standard on Likes is well defined and used by many peoples and platforms. The beauty about Webmentions is _that_ the user has the choice what to do with them (and how). Not supporting this officially for a higher cause as a provider is highly opinionated (read BS). And since it’s just HTML you can do it anyway if you’re willing to jump the hoops.

You _could_ e.g. redefine your Webmention endpoint, and use another one. Self hosted or e.g. from webmention.io – may be a pain in the neck to integrate on a foreign platform though.

( And while on it could connect to backfeeding services like brid.gy 🙂

Dragging an old AngularJS project (5MB shy on own source), that started life with NodeJS 6, up to NodeJS 12 was a painful experience. There’s not even TypeScript in this (but some CoffeeScript 😞). Anyway, here we are.

CAPTCHAs don’t prove you’re human – they prove you’re American by @edent@edent (shkspr.mobi)
When I was a small child, I took an IQ test. One of the first questions I stumbled on was “A piece of candy costs 25±. Jonny has a dime. How many nickels does he need to buy the candy?” My 7-year old brain popped. WTAF is a nickel? Or a dime for that matter? We don’t have those coins in my co...

I never knew what exactly put me off on the most used captcha system out there but now I do. It’s not only the foreign language but the assumption I’d know what the pictures are about at all.

BTW we usually have taxis in RAL 1015 (light ivory) here in Germany but nowadays other colours are possible – just not very common.

shovels and rakes and implements of destruction by crystalcrystal (chicky.blog)
Chinese takeout and self-pity are on the Thanksgiving menu today. Like this:Like Loading... This year, I won’t blow smoke up anyone’s ass about how thankful I am for things. Shawshank‘s been gone for 279 days. I’ve had to take care of myself since that morning – and that was even before th...

Rooting for you @crystal. You’ll make it! (And your BossRPh rocks).

Example domains by Jan-Lukas ElseJan-Lukas Else (jlelse.blog)
Did you know that there are official example domains that can be used in documentation? example.com, example.net and example.org are all example domains of the IANA, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, which are explicitly intended for use in documentation.1 In documentations or even in sample ...

Nice. Didn’t know, may use now 🙂