I tell you, #EliteDangerous multicrew is the best when done right. Today I wasn’t in charge tho and had to watch most of the time while the little one cracked asteroid after asteroid 😀
Format: Aside
Some great insight on #PireWire – found while trying to find out what causes audio crackling and high CPU load. It may be a bug but I still think I’m doing something wrong here.
Also very curious about the V4L2 proposals. That is a very important daily driver of mine. Especially the loopback device. Any improvements on this are in theory great.
Say Cheese?
So shiny
The Primary Buffer Panel got some new buttons today. So shiny! The ICP is starting to shape up. For more immersion in my #simPit – pew pew. And big thanks to IcedPhenix and Eaggra who both kept me company during the rather boring parts and me going!

Fascinating, a peek behind the scenes of sound designing for #FlyDangerous https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5h9iq9gFx6c
Preliminary sketch of sounds for Fly Dangerous. Intro: 0:00 Ambience Breakdown: 2:46 Ambience Mix: 7:49 Thrusters Breakdown: 8:55 Thrusters Mix: 12:59 Throttle Up breakdown: 13:38 Throttle Up Mix: 17:49 Throttle Down Mix: 18:17 Roll Yaw Pitch: 18:28 Boost Breakdown: 18:57 Boost Mix: 26:39 Download link: https://jukibom.itch.io/fly-dangerous Join the discord: https://discord.com/invite/4daSEUKZ6A
Fascinating, a peek behind the scenes of sound designing for #FlyDangerous https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5h9iq9gFx6c
OMG, I found a legitimate and personal mail in my mailbox. That’s probably the first between all the spam and informational crap since… I dunno… what year is it? 😅
Oh, #Satisfactory landed HIGHLY experimental dedicated servers in experimental. https://satisfactory.fandom.com/wiki/Dedicated_servers#Linux describes how to set on up. They even provided a systemd service file (that I’ll probably refine later). Didn’t play with this yet but this looks promising. The pattern is basically known for Unity games 🤷
You all can stop with the “shocked face” crap on #YouTube preview pictures. By now I’ve trained my brain to file such videos as click-bait or _low_ quality. That’s right, fingers don’t even twitch any more. No more clicks gonna happen. Even for channels followed.
Zur Story möchte ich noch anmerken dass die im Vergleich zu den anderen Teilen eher mager ist. Man merkt bei den Nachfolgern doch eine deutliche Steigerung bei der Qualität der Erzählung 🙂
Mir haben die jedenfalls viel Spaß gemacht und ich werde bei Gelegenheit bestimmt noch einmal zu der Reihe zurück kehren.
Yesterday I noticed that my kids crossed the street from behind the school bus they just left without looking.
In the evening I prepared a model of the situation with toys and asked them if they can see the “toy children” from various angles approaching from behind the bus and whenever they said no I drove over the miniatures with another car yelling “Bam, you’re dead”.
I guess that left quite an impression. Especially the little one, after examining the “school bus” model further (a Volkswagen Samba van), went off to build a complete road system with paper and tape in his room and “trained” the rest of the evening how to cross the street – and even some more in the morning after breakfast.
I’m totally going to wait at the kitchen window this afternoon again to see how they’ll do this time.