Thoughts on Novak Djokovic by an author (
So I woke up this morning to the news that, after 11 days of legal conflict and confusing news reports, male tennis no. 1 Novak Djo­ko­vic has been deported. In my opinion, this whole issue has been a bit of a shit-show, and I feel like I still don’t fully understand quite how this has all gone ...

Thanks for the writeup. First time I really read about this incident at all (it’s sports and far far away so I didn’t care). And somehow I doubt I’d have read it anywhere else with your insights from our local media.

Last day of war by Dima FedotovDima Fedotov from YouTube
It has been twenty years since the last Great War broke out. All people are dead, but automatons continue obediently follow orders. On the computerized base, machines fuel and charge the weapons of last surviving bomber, as it prepares to drop bombs on a long dead enemy city. This conflict grinds on, until the echo of mankind subsides completely.

Gives me the creeps every time I remember this and rewatch it:

There’s some sort of prequel in the same play list that is also worth watching.

Happy 10th Birthday, Bridgy! by Ryan BarrettRyan Barrett ( Today marks 10 years to the day since I first launched Bridgy, my little IndieWeb side project to connect social networks and personal websites. Happy Birthday, Bridgy! I’ve always loved the internet, but I’m n...

Happy 10th Birthday, Bridgy!

Linkdump 01/2022 (Dirks Logbuch)
Willkommen zum ersten Linkdump in 2022, auch in dieser Woche habe ich wieder reichlich Artikel und die für mich interessantesten oder die, von denen ich denke, dass sie Euch interessieren herausgesuc...

Full ACK on . Don’t turn it off!

That’s often the only and last defence your system has. Or your keys.

Linksammlung 01/2022 (onli blogging)
Die erste Linksammlung dieses Jahres! Ich war am Zögern ob ich die Serie wiederaufnehmen soll, das werde ich beim ersten Link weiter ausführen: Auf HN fragte ein Kommentator, warum Seiten aufgehör...

Ich mag Link Sammlungen. Insbesondere da man auf den ersten paar Seiten der Suchmaschinen nur noch SEOnierten Mist findet. Lick, Share and Sell Your Firstborn.

Sollte das auch endlich wieder anfangen. Komme aber nicht mal wirklich mit automatischer Blogroll ausm Knick 😢 by David ShanskeDavid Shanske (
Trying to flash some boards with new firmware. Holes too small. Internet suggested sewing needles. Didn’t have any. Borrowed some from parents. They came from Shopwells…which ceased to be in 1986. Clearly we don’t sew much. Needles worked though. 1 board down, 10 to go.

Needless to say, that’s the most nerdy thing I read today (no idea why this was pushed to my reader today).

It also reminded me of the Discworld Needlers who would identify and collect such needles 😀

IndiePass testing… by Mark Sutherland (
If all went well, bulk find and replace can be done without breaking everything. I’ll post an update to the play store shortly.

That didn’t go too well. Read nothing about maintainer change before and was befuddled when the app would just stop working on my tablet. Anyway, when I tried to configure my account on my freshly factory reset mobilephone I get redirected to indigenous·marksuth·dev after signing in with IndieAuth – for whatever reasons I do not know and was really taken by surprise – but that won’t load on mobile anyway, because it ships the CERT for the new name “indiepass” instead of redirecting 🙁