WPSR by Matthias PfefferleMatthias Pfefferle (notiz.blog)
Auf dem CloudFest Hackathon im MĂ€rz, hab‘ ich mich ein wenig mit Alain Schlesser ĂŒber WordPress und Plugin-Entwicklung unterhalten. Alain meinte, dass er, wenn es das Plugin hergibt und es zeitlich möglich ist, immer zuerst eine generische Library bauen und diese dann ĂŒber ein WordPress-Plugin...

Now I remember again why I don’t like touching WordPress plugins. It’s this accepted mess of not following any modern best practices. Good to see I’m not alone: https://notiz.blog/2022/05/15/wpsr/

I’m aware of the irony that I’m also using WordPress here. You see, it’s not that easy to get rid of a grown installation dating back to 2004 and convert it into something else.

Also yay for

Daedalic Entertainment (Daedalic Entertainment)
In Edna & Harvey: Harvey’s New Eyes, players return to the world of adventure game hit Edna & Harvey: The Breakout. Be prepared to meet many old friends and discover many new hand-made cartoon locations, realized in full HD glory!

Lilli holding hands with all the Harveys each representing a certain prohibition from the grownups

Finished Edna & Harvey: Harvey’s New Eyes. That was a fun sequel! No idea about the English version but the voice acting for the German version is superb. It may be a little bit short. Steam claims I spent 7.5h in it but I’m pretty sure that I left it running at some point to deal with real-life stuff.

Anyway, good point and click fun. Can recommend.

I really wasn’t sure when I started dabbling in back in 2016 but I’m glad I did. Articles like https://www.electrive.net/2022/05/10/renault-99-prozent-aller-zoe-akkus-noch-einsatzfaehig/ confirm that the choice I made with the is a good one. Ours is doing great. Sold the smaller one tho. There was simply no need for it any more. We drive way less nowadays.

 Diaspora: Shattered Armistice ( ) didn’t want to start any more. Found only this in the launcher:

The executable did not generate a flag file

Turned out my install was missing some 32bit lib:

ldd /home/beko/.local/share/lutris/runners/wine/lutris-ge-6.16-1-x86_64/lib/wine/i386-unix/openal32.dll.so
linux-gate.so.1 (0xf7eca000)
libopenal.so.1 => not found
libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0xf7c8f000)
/lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0xf7ecc000)

A dnf install wine-openal.i686 fixed this for me.

Yes, I know there is a native Linux PC version but it’s a pain in the neck to compile đŸ€·

Diaspora: Shattered Armistice (on Linux PC)

Haha good luck on that one @edent. Especially because you totally forgot about microformats where you want the comments _within_ the h-entry but _outside_ of summary and content 😀