released today as early access. It’s free, fast, opensource and has #6DoF. The flight model is inspired by games like #EliteDangerous (Newtonian flight model). Oh and it has #VR. #FlyDangerous o7

Extremely high skill-ceiling 6dof flight racing in a variety of environments with leaderboards, multiplayer and VR support
@bekopharm and it looks like it supports native #linuxgaming 🐧 🚀
@JSSchlegel oh it does – that’s the only way I play it 🙃
Ah gods, #6DoF of course.Edit function when?
Just when I wanted to mention that typo.
If you see it fast enough, just copy the tweet and delete it…
But yeah, edit would be great. But has its pros and cons. Would retweets be edited too? And I think that is one of the issues.
Installing the game atm! 😁👍
retweets are ‘hydrated’ so they’d get the latest on Twitter. Others like Webmentions or ActivityPub do have an Update type. I wouldn’t mind seeing this with an option to view older versions. I mean typos happen all the time 🙃
true… but tweet edit is been asked for ages. i don’t think that will happen anytime soon though.
One of the reason this isn’t my main any more xD