On the subject of Connecting Federated Social Media Networks by starrwulfestarrwulfe (starrwulfe.xyz)
The past few days on the Fediverse have served to remind me a few things: The internet is as smart and as ignorant (and everything in between) as the macrocosm known as “human civilization” reflects upon it. Sometimes the victims will become the victimizers in any given situation, usually withou...

❤️ https://starrwulfe.xyz/2024/02/on-the-subject-of-connecting-federated-social-media-networks/

So much this.

Tätigkeiten, die mir Freude machen… by kajo kajo (kajo76.de)

Eigentlich wollte ich über Menschen schreiben bzw. mein Unverständnis, wieso und warum… aber dann dachte ich mir, les dir doch nochmal alte Blogbeiträge durch und stieß auf folgendes… … und erkenne, dass ich zwei davon regelmäßiger tue 😊 Ohne mir dessen wirklich bewusst zu sein, dass ich das angehen wollte! Im vergangenen und diesem Jahr […]

❤️ https://kajo76.de/blog/taetigkeiten-die-mir-freude-machen/

Narrowboat log: September 2023 (nick-hayward.co.uk)

So I’ve moved Thin Lizzy to Sawley Marina now with the help of a retired, experienced boating couple. There was a weir to pass on the way over plus some parking required, and having their help was amazing. I’m slotted in to a bankside berth with an electric and water bollard right in front of […]

❤️ https://www.nick-hayward.co.uk/2023/09/narrowboat-log-september-2023/

I'm only vegan for the money by @edent@edent (shkspr.mobi)

I've been a vegetarian since the turn of the century. I always felt like I should probably be vegan but, you know, cheese is delicious. Then, without warning, my body decided that producing the human lactase enzyme was for losers. Stupid body! No more cheese for me 😭 The UK has come on leaps and […]


Can relate on the lactose part 😥