Piloting spaceships with a DIY cockpit by Arduino TeamArduino Team (blog.arduino.cc)

Take a moment to go and look up some photos of the cockpits of airplanes and spacecraft. All of them are packed full of instruments and controls. So why do we feel like we can play a flight simulator with a regular gamepad? If you’re doing so, then you’re missing out on a lot of […]

Oh wow, that was unexpected but Arduino themselves featured my ~~fire hazard~~ simulated cockpit on their blog: https://blog.arduino.cc/2023/09/21/piloting-spaceships-with-a-diy-cockpit/.

Yes I am totally hyperventilating right now. That was unexpected and I only know because someone asked if this is mine 🤓

Gotta admit though: I’d have liked linking to the primary source better. Namely this blog or https://SimPit.dev but… details.

Episode 392 – Curl and the calamity of CVE by Josh BressersJosh Bressers (opensourcesecurity.io)
Josh and Kurt talk about why CVE is making the news lately. Things are not well in the CVE program, and it’s not looking like anything will get fixed anytime soon. Josh and Kurt have a unique set of knowledge around CVE. There’s a lot of confusion and difficulty in understanding how CVE works. h...

🔖 https://opensourcesecurity.io/2023/09/10/episode-392-curl-and-the-calamity-of-cve/

Keine Angst vor der Wärmepumpe by Cornelia und Volker QuaschningCornelia und Volker Quaschning (dasisteinegutefrage.de)

Wochenlang wurde über das Heizungsgesetz gestritten. Nun gibt es einen Kompromiss. Damit wird Deutschland seine Klimaschutzziele allerdings kaum erreichen können. Ist die Gasheizung, die mit Wasserstoff betrieben wird, wirklich eine sinnvolle Alternative und ist die Angst vor zu hohen Kosten und technischen Problemen mit der Wärmepumpe begründet?

🔖 https://dasisteinegutefrage.de/waermepumpe

GitHub - dalathegreat/BYD-Battery-Emulator-For-Gen24: This software converts the LEAF CAN into Modbus RTU registers understood by solar inverters that take the BYD 11kWh HVM battery by dalathegreat (GitHub)
This software converts the LEAF CAN into Modbus RTU registers understood by solar inverters that take the BYD 11kWh HVM battery - GitHub - dalathegreat/BYD-Battery-Emulator-For-Gen24: This software...

This software converts the into RTU registers understood by inverters that take the BYD 11kWh HVM battery: https://github.com/dalathegreat/BYD-Battery-Emulator-For-Gen24

Quite a hack 🙃

ActivityPub is the next big thing in social networks by David Pierce (The Verge)
Mozilla, Meta, Medium, Flipboard, Tumblr, and so many other companies are betting that the future of social networks looks more like email than it does Elon Musk’s Twitter. And they’re betting on a little-known protocol to make it happen.

🔖 https://www.theverge.com/2023/4/20/23689570/activitypub-protocol-standard-social-network

IndieWeb by Astrid GüntherAstrid Günther (blog.astrid-guenther.de)
The IndieWeb[^indieweb.org/] is about taking control of your content, sharing your thoughts and ideas in one place and then spreading them on other social platforms. What if a social network becomes so that you don't feel comfortable there anymore? Or it gets shut down altogether? In that case, what...

Apparently can be |ified too: https://blog.astrid-guenther.de/en/cassiopeia-joomla-indieweb/ 🤔

I mean Joomla (and especially it’s UI) gives me the creeps but good to know I guess.