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Les Fermes du Moyen Age.Un village médiéval unique en France! Au cœur de la Xaintrie en Corrèze. Un voyage dans le temps et la vie des paysans du Limousin.
In meinem letzten Artikel habe ich erklärt, wie man unter Linux die Firewall mit einem IP Block ausstatten kann. In diesem Artikel möchte...
I have seen some articles in the past which explain how to build the ecosystem around your video streaming, such as live chat and forums, but which leave the actual video streaming to I made a note the last time I saw one of these articles to write one of my own explaining the video bit. As is often the case with video, we’ll be using the excellent ffmpeg tool for this. If it’s A/V-related, ffmpeg can probably do it.
Zu der Videokonferenzlösung Jitsi Meet erreichen mich immer mal wieder Fragen, die ich hier zu beantworten versuche.
No, Michael Moore is not simply the next older gentleman who suddenly loses his empathy and drifts into the world of alternative facts. This case is more complicated, even almost mysterious. One knows Moore through movies like Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 9/11, books like Stupid White Men or Downsize This!. He still calls himself ... WeiterlesenHow Michael Moore’s anti-solar, anti-wind power and anti-electric car documentary does the climate movement a huge disservice,No, Michael Moore is not simply the next older gentleman who suddenly loses his empathy
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This article reveals how strong narratives about gender roles when it comes to take care of kids in combination with a professional career are. Eli and Padavic conducted research within a big global consultancy firm to help them figure out why women were progressing less than men career