All the (active) sites using Webmention that I found so far [March 2024] by Matthew BrownMatthew Brown (

Readers with long memories will remember my post “All the (active) sites using Webmention that I find (sic) so far” – the May 2022 edition and then the June 2022 edition. This is that list but updated for March 2024 and put in some sort of logical order in a post with a grammatically improved […]

Wonder where you look, because that list doesn’t look _that_ exhaustive 🙃

Also Hi from an IndieWeb-Priest 🤓

Threads and the Fediverse - A Smarter Battle Plan to Protect the Open Social Web by Tim Chambers (
With the #meta #Project92 or #Threads Fediverse offering, there has been a, well, robust discussion of how to avoid threats looming. Those advocating mass-preemptive defederation make three cases for it. ➡️ To avoid data mining … However, defederation does virtually zero to avoid any big tech ...


Oh Hello Ana (Jottings from Ana)
Ana's personal blog

I’d say we had a different kind of “content pressure” when creating a blog back then. I mean how else would we explain the amount of under_construction gifs? 🙃

It is indeed a shame though that any activity on the net is associated with the question how to make money of it 🙁

Sometimes existing is really enough 👍

Bloggers, what is your primary topic or focus? (
We ask a new question every Monday – you can reply using your own blog, website, or social media account and then ping us using WebMention so your reply appears as a comment. If you have difficulties, try which has fabulous tools to help send mentions. Come back next week for a new questio...

There’s no such thing like a primary topic or focus on mine. It’s an ongoing ever evolving side project and it’s topics change with whatever my hyperfocus latches on next 🙃

I know many separate their ongoing projects or thoughts via profiles or even completely different websites.

That’s too much work for my taste. So there is the full package or nothing. Or well… one could sub to a feed by category only. A nifty RSS feature 😀

On the subject of Connecting Federated Social Media Networks by starrwulfestarrwulfe (
The past few days on the Fediverse have served to remind me a few things: The internet is as smart and as ignorant (and everything in between) as the macrocosm known as “human civilization” reflects upon it. Sometimes the victims will become the victimizers in any given situation, usually withou...


So much this.