So this is what happens when you stream a game nowadays. That’s all “detected” in-game music. And since Brütal Legend is all about Metal, garnished with gore and swearing, streaming it without would be… I dunno… like being a deaf person in a disco I guess.
The funniest one was Facebook. The part where the game glitched out early and played an endless loop of music for 45s got flagged and the stream instantly killed. Fat chance disputing that.
The best part? This is supposed to be under a CC-Non Commercial license – I am not monetizing any of this _at all_ but that doesn’t save me from ridiculous claims. Google as of today lists ~33.600 videos just on this game. How the hell is anyone out there making Let’s Plays or – *gasp* – actual music nowadays?
I can totally see how people flock to the video in masses instead of buying some gorram track on Amazon or Spotify just to listen to that endless loop for 45 seconds – my swearing and some hacking and slaying included.
Brütal Legend by Double Fine – now isn’t that ironic.
10/0 – Good game. Won’t stream it again.
@bekopharm what I always like most about this: “because it **may** contain content that they own”
@Moepmoep Jupp, absolute Unverschämtheit. Das war ja abzusehen mit den Uploadfiltern.Vermutlich wird nur eins bleiben: Eine eigene Streaming Seite mit Owncast einrichten und anderenorts umleiten. Denn “die Großen 5” werden natürlich unter der Lupe der “Verwerter” förmlich verbrennen.
@bekopharm was 🙈 hätte uns doch nur jemand vor Uploadfiltern gewarnt 🙉Die Politik hat doch immer gesagt, die werden nicht verpflichtend 🙊Wem soll man denn Glauben, wenn man der Politik und den Lobyisten nicht mehr glauben kann? 🍌🐒
@Moepmoep kennt man doch.Live streaming video games killed the radio star 🎶
One week later I got this:
I can’t even… 🖕