Milestone reached! (97) by an author (IN FULL FLOW)
Yesterday Daughter finally asked to practice without side wheels on her bike. I took her to the sidewalk with proper practicing gear (a helmet and vest to grab her when she falls) and for half an hour she tried. As she is a perfectionist she wanted to quit after two minutes, but with a little
Bob Marshall on Twitter (Twitter)
“Greetings, new followers. In case you're wondering, I'm tweeting my favourite projects from the last 10 years. Months of effort and careful research goes into these and I don't wish to give the impression that I'm completing one a day, although sometimes I wish I could!”
Digitalisierung ohne Herz und Verstand by dasnuf (
Da sind wir nun: am Ende der 2. Woche Homeschooling. Ich muss an dieser Stelle zu allererst meine Kinder loben. Unermüdlich sind sie dran geblieben. Keinen einzigen Wochentag haben sie auch nur in Frage gestellt, dass die Schule weitergehen muss. Jeden Tag saßen sie gemeinsam an unserem Esstisch u... by Ton Zijlstra (
It is a bit like an endless Sunday yes. The empty streets, and until now the sunshine. Except maybe for the deluge of conference calls I get pulled into, which is more akin to fighting flood waters at the front door. Need to find me some digital twins to sand bags. The perpetual Sunday feeling made ...