Eine weitere Leserfrage lautet wie folgt: Wie schaffst du es in dem Kampf um Privatsphäre nicht zu verzweifeln? Verzweifeln ist für mich keine Option. Ich…
“An inn built by St Peters Abbey 1430-1450 to accommodate pilgrims visiting tomb of Edward II. 4 ranges built around courtyard with oak-framed galleries on all sides. South gallery has hooks for storage of meat, perhaps near former kitchen. New Inn, Gloucester. #VirtualVernacular”
There is a lot of political theatre going on within Europe. The Dutch have been blunt towards Southern countries, the Southern countries feel hurt. Other countries side with the Dutch but do so in less blunt terms, the Germans roll their eyes at the Dutch and the French lift their finger while scolding
Fedora 32 Workstation is the latest release of our free, leading-edge operating system. You can download it from the official website here right now. There are several new and noteworthy changes in Fedora 32 Workstation. Read more details below. GNOME 3.36 Fedora 32 Workstation includes the latest release of GNOME Desktop Environment for users of all types. GNOME […]
Euro Truck Simulator 2 hides a real game under a deceivingly austere look. I fell for it for contextual reasons, but I stayed with it for its qualities.