Blimey! A WiFi smoke alarm for twenty quid! by @edent@edent (
After my rant a few weeks ago, I finally found a cheap WiFi smoke alarm. A few disclaimers before I get into this review:It was shipped from China, not from the UK as stated.The device doesn’t exist on the manufacturer’s website.Stock on Amazon keeps appearing and disappearing, so may be difficu...

Cracked one open already to see what’s inside?

Bogus 1080p/60 USB 3.0* HDMI Capture Card (Linux) by Linux Game Cast (
Can you get 1080p/60 HDMI capture for under $20? The LYLEE Upgraded Video Capture Card seems to think it's possible. After contacting both Amazon and the seller the item went POOF! We might have accidentally did a good :D/

 that’s exactly the HDMI capture I got months ago. I needed it mostly to debug some Raspberry boot trouble that would show way too short to be parsed by a human before the device would reboot again so it’s okay. I did wonder though why the framerate was so jacked up but blamed the undervolted HDMI splitter (It came without a fitting PS so I’m happy that it does _something_).

Lesson learnt. I suspect similar for a dead cheap SD-card writer at work.

I’m having way too much fun with this. Did some plumbing today and this is the result 😀

I patched the http server of to send Access-Control-Allow-Origin so the browser wouldn’t refuse to load. Could set up a proxy but I wanted results fast xD

The flight instruments are from and are not for obviously.

  • Speed is also mapped to ALT as Fast Travel speed
  • It reads just the camera position and not really the ship position (and since there is no up and down in space it settles fast on the new artificial horizon – may need some more tuning)
  • Plumbed the speed to the pressure so it starts creeping up from 27.1 inHg to 33 inHg (max on the instrument) when speed goes over 200. Just for fun.
  • Turn Coordinator is just Camera yaw + left or right based on mouse/pointer X.
  • Some target data as proof of concept

This worked out better than expected and the best thing is: Doesn’t need to run on the same computer – it just has to be on the net so a tiny Raspberry and some external display would be enough for some fun cockpit building 8)

I found today and it makes me way to excited. Tricky to set up and “just” a proof of concept (that proofs very well) but look at this: with a REST server that lets you read (and partially set) additional gamedata more or less live. Awesome! Could plumb all sorts of stuff on that!

Misinformation about Permissions Policy and FLoC by Rohan KumarRohan Kumar (
This post was written in a hurry in response to some misinformation about Google’s newest Web antifeature, Federated Learning of Cohorts (FLoC). Google’s FLoC is an attempt to track users even when their browsers (rightly) block third-party cookies. The initial blog posts about this issue were q...

Who would have guessed: That empty policy header against FLoC is probably worthless in the first place because people that are concerned about this are probably not affected by a prior opt-in at all:

Really curious what else will show up on this topic over the next weeks.