Those were the days 😀
Community support for Unreal Tournament was able to breath some new life into the game, even with the limitations of the closed binary. By 2018 however the game was no longer launching for Mesa users. For an engine with such a pedigree on Linux this outcome is still disappointing.
@beko @bekopharm UO? A man of culture and taste, I see! 🧐
@beko The Robin Hood game was so pretty, I thought.But I do have a thing for castles and trees.
@beko who said Linux couldn't game until now 👍
@beko Good times!
@ridge @beko ikr? 😁 always been that oddball 😜It's kinda crazy to see a dead horse coming to live…unlike a certain other dead horse that is Mac gaming 😆
@beko Haha, all the classics! xmms, x-chat, best games for all time and KDE back when it was still usable. ❤️#tastaturquäler
@beko … and OF COURSE the Ghost in the Shell soundtrack 😆😎👌
@f @beko of course 🤓
@beko I've found some old nostalgia, too. 😀 It was a different time 🙈