Worked on a mockup for some #simpit ideas on stream. I didn’t talk much but I certainly did NOT play Drown – Tyranny. In fact I didn’t stream ANY music. FFS Twitch, I refuse to take the blame if cutting cardboard sounds like some sick death metal!
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So… ~30h later the dispute is still not resolved.The claim happens basically live. Like within seconds after streaming.Take your time. It’s a good thing I don’t rely on a stream for money.
@bekopharm Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?Dude, this is why automatic checking is bullshite.
@Cedara It is. This one got a strike for typing. Yes, on a keyboard:
Hector Martin 💉💉 on Twitter
@bekopharm bloody hell.
@Cedara bloody hell indeed.That’s why I’m disputing it. Enough is enough. I mean I do not make money from this but this is the kind of claim that makes a stream instantly no longer discoverable (FB) and everything said within 6 minutes is silenced (Twitch) and no monetization can happen any more (YT). That’s the kind of reaction that could kill someone depending on the stream (which is a bad idea in the first place but that’s another story and we know how it is).
@bekopharm Indeed. Those are the things that make me glad I do not stream.
@Cedara Yeah. I just thought it’d be nice if others who are interested could join too. I’m doing this for quite a while on private Discord channels and that was usually fun.I’ll probably do it like @Samsai and run an Owncast on top of my RTMP proxy sending only low quality and mebbe even no sound at all to others. Getting claims for BS is getting old _fast_.
Aye.@bekopharm @Samsai
This will totally shock you but yeah,… still nothing.I’d play some chirping crickets but I’d probably get a claim for that too.