ce­les­tial-de­vel­op­ment-up­date by Ru SinghRu Singh (rusingh.com)
Moving off GitHub: I'm mov­ing Celestial's pri­mary de­vel­op­ment away from GitHub, which will only get the oc­ca­sional pushes from now on. Issues were al­ready im­ported into the new host a while ago, but the pro­ject kan­ban boards will need to set up man­u­ally. I don't think Gitea...

Thinking of moving to Gitea too. Did you follow some specific howto or did you just rtfm? Very interested in a guide here 😆

Wasteland 3 now available on Linux from inXile Entertainment by Liam DaweLiam Dawe (gamingonlinux.com)
inXile Entertainment have today officially released Wasteland 3 for Linux (and macOS), following on from their successful Fig campaign in 2016 and Windows release in August 2020. Acting as a sequel to their 2014 hit, Wasteland 3 is a squad-based RPG with challenging tactical turn-based combat and ...

Uh oh. Wasteland 3 is finally released for PC?

I’ll be in my bunk.