by Jeremy CherfasJeremy Cherfas (
OK, so you want to move to Medium because it'll be more rewarding. I get that. But as someone who follows via RSS from your own site, I don't understand why you would not also post there. I don't care whether you POSSE or PESOS, I do consider myself dumped.

Wow. This will so backfire when Medium changes it’s course _again_. And it is already well known for being a pain in the neck.

I mean it’s okay to do this to find more readers but making Medium the source of truth for your stuff? Na. Never.

Should I Kill My Newsletter? - Kev Quirk (Kev Quirk)
So I’ve been running my newsletter for around 5 months now, but I’m thinking about killing it off. Let’s look at why… My newsletter, Craving Coffee, has been a thing for close to 5 months at this point. In that time I’ve accumulated a little over 100 subscribers and have sent 4 editions. Sounds ok, […]

I know nobody interested in newsletters (for real) at all. is fine (and this is what I’m using to read kevq too 😅).

Hurra, es wird ein Kind by Daniel Ehniss (Daniel Ehniss)
»Inzwischen hoffe ich, dass er mich irgendwann an die Hand nimmt und wir zusammen herausfinden, was wir aus den Erwartungen und Projektionen auf unser Geschlecht machen.« Hannes Leitlein, Hurra es wird ein Kind So ein guter Text von Hannes, in dem er die Ungleichbehandlung der Geschlechter anhand ...