"Besondere Helden" by Jan-Lukas ElseJan-Lukas Else (jlelse.blog)
Die Bundesregierung hat eine PR-Kampagne mit dem Titel “Besondere Helden” gestartet. Sie richtet sich an junge Leute und fordert sie dazu auf zuhause zu bleiben. Ich selbst gehöre nach den Videos wahrscheinlich auch zur Gruppe der “Besonderen Helden”, auch wenn ich nicht den ganzen Tag nur ...
Hello World by Julian LeyhJulian Leyh (vgai.de)
Hello, World! I finally took my time to set up this website. I own this domain over 20 years now, and use it for Email since then. Last year, I used it as a single-user Pleroma Instance and discovered the Fediverse. I shut it down, since it took too much time to keep it up to date. Now, I want to us...
Watching videos faster by Jan-Lukas ElseJan-Lukas Else (jlelse.blog)
Lately I’ve been switching the playback speed for videos mostly to 1.25 or 1.5x. This way I manage to watch videos that I watch to learn something new in less time (and still understand everything). Especially with long videos this makes a difference. Is it only me who feels this way? I was really...

Here. I do that all the time 🙂

Project Pink by an author (IN FULL FLOW)
I haven't shared it here before, but in February Daughter's best friend thought it to be a good idea to redecorate Daughter's bedroom. Daughter went along with her friend. They covered a lot before I went into the room and caught the two of them. Obviously I was disappointed with Daughter

Mine wants a black wallpaper with stars for her new room. So be it. We finished removing the old wallpaper some days ago. It was probably 40 years old and from the previous owner 😅