Die Bundesregierung hat eine PR-Kampagne mit dem Titel “Besondere Helden” gestartet. Sie richtet sich an junge Leute und fordert sie dazu auf zuhause zu bleiben. Ich selbst gehöre nach den Videos wahrscheinlich auch zur Gruppe der “Besonderen Helden”, auch wenn ich nicht den ganzen Tag nur ...
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I recently defended my dissertation and have completed my PhD. It’s titled Independent Together: Building and Maintaining Values in a Distributed Web Infrastructure, and investigates the role of values in the construction and maintenance of the IndieWeb. My project for IndieWebCamp 2020 East was t...
Egosoft are continuing to expand their absolutely massive space simulator X4: Foundations, with a Beta now available for the free 4.0 update that will release properly early in 2021. It's an absolutely massive update both in terms of features and technical overhauls, so they're quite right to say th...
Vaporum: Lockdown is the standalone prequel to the original Vaporum from 2017 and Fatbot Games did another fantastic job with a great world to explore. The game follows the story of Ellie Teller, a scientist who is a part of a mysterious research project in the middle of an ocean. After getting an o...
Hello, World! I finally took my time to set up this website. I own this domain over 20 years now, and use it for Email since then. Last year, I used it as a single-user Pleroma Instance and discovered the Fediverse. I shut it down, since it took too much time to keep it up to date. Now, I want to us...
A new version of Simple Location is out. Version 4.1.12 has many under the hood tweaks/fixes, and only one major user facing feature, a redo of the caching system. The caching system is used by the weather system to avoid poling for the weather on every refresh. There is now a setting in each widget...
Here. I do that all the time 🙂
Mine wants a black wallpaper with stars for her new room. So be it. We finished removing the old wallpaper some days ago. It was probably 40 years old and from the previous owner 😅
It’s not uncommon to pick up a novel with a medieval setting and hear a description of a cottage with rooms, a loft, lots of furniture like ...