This old cat is now at an age where I have to consider building him some stairs for the sofa :/
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Feeling cute, may respect someone later, idk
Behold my latest #simPit addition 🤪
A button box | switch panel for the toddler. It was on a discount so I gave in. May be a good starting point for a bigger one that I’m going to make for the kids eventually.
Huh. Found my old Haupauge TV card 🤔
I couldn’t resist when I stumbled over this shirt. It depicts the Eagle 5 of #Spaceballs and is littered with further movie references like I ❤️ Uranus.
Push it good! Push it real good!
Can’t have enough push buttons 🤪
That’ll be a lot of work to check then all for functionality and wire em up 😞
This was a triumph. Great success… 😁
Three days of BBQ and chilling out. Very tired now. Should go on vacation now 😜
Pic: Fireplace with lots of empty chairs around now that everyone is gone again.
I’ll never get tired of sitting at a fireplace in the evening. Should do this way more often. Probably the first time in 3 years.
Spent hours cleaning the terrace with a high pressure washer (and got a sun burn on top). The uncovered damage is extensive. I mean we knew 10 years ago already that we’d need new planks soon but still. Damage is especially bad where flower pots used to be but some are simply because water has no way to go. Some holes are so bad I had to cover them up with boards.
Ah well. No rest for the wicket I guess.
Sitting right next to a bunch of very busy bees. Love watching them.