Whatever happened to IoT smoke alarms? by @edent@edent (shkspr.mobi)
I’ve had a Nest smoke alarm for about 7 years. It connects to my WiFi network and occasionally pings a message to my phone that I’ve burnt my toast. Nifty! But, due to planned obsolescence regulatory requirements, it needs to be replaced. In app warning that my Nest smoke alarm needs replacing. ...

I love reading about your IoT journeys @Edent whilst completely ignoring my own. Like that washing machine I have, that in theory is able to connect over the wifi to… yes to what? I guess to some vendor API and I assume it does so over WEP only too. Or our central heater, that used to have it’s own gateway but since the company never got it running they patched it out so now it sits on my regular subnet and sends an occasional mail unsecured to some SMTP gateway. Don’t think it even uses hardcoded credentials for this. Oh the possibilities (and dangers)…

I know. And weep. And I ignore it. I’m too busy with other things than “fixing” or getting this zoo under control. It’s a mess. It’s the Internet of Shit.

Yikes, looks like some Webmentions didn’t make it to the blog. Very confused about this but it seems like some buffer was too tight. I may have to revise my setup.

Blogging For Me | Waylon Walker (Waylon Walker)
I create this blog with one person in mind, me. There are others like me This is not completely selfish, as there are li

Here is a blogging agenda I can get behind: https://waylonwalker.com/blogging-for-me

It also allows me to make this simple (and admittedly generalised) comparison:

There are others like me.Typical blogger

There are others, like me!Typical “social” media user

Liked, shared and subscribed 🙂

Second Hand Books Are Theft by @edent (shkspr.mobi)
Whenever you buy a second-hand book, you are stealing revenue from the author and publisher. It makes no difference whether you buy from a charity shop or a for-profit store. All the money goes to the seller of the book, and none of it flows back to the copyright holders. (The situation is slightly ...

It was a rather long-winded way. And I even read it to the end despite that I was bewildered by the initial thought 🤷

Neuer Yubikey by BaschtBascht (bascht.com)
Ich habe mir nun endlich® mal einen getrennten Yubikey für die Arbeit und Kundenprojekte zugelegt. Der neue Formfaktor in USB-C ist sehr angenehm und damit passen nun auch zwei Stück ohne Probleme an den Schlüsselbund. Die NFC-Funktionalität ist leider auf der Strecke geblieben – das war mit OpenKeychain für Android eigentlich immer eine ganz nette Angelegenheit. Lässt sich aber auch nun auch per USB-C ganz okay benutzen. Für's iPad gibt es was das angeht leider noch keine vernünftigen Apps.

Yubikey. Das sollte ich eigentlich auch mal endlich… 🤔

Dann haben die halt meine Daten. Na und‽ by Klaudia Zotzmann-KochKlaudia Zotzmann-Koch (zotzmann-koch.com)
Elende Passwortregeln, unverständliche Pop-Ups, mittendrin die ewig klingelnde WhatsApp-Gruppe und Datenskandale überall. Wer sind "die" überhaupt, die meine Daten haben? Und was heißt das eigentlich?

This seems to be available in English now as well: Easy Ways to Be More Private on the Internet (English eBook) https://www.zotzmann-koch.com/buecher/buch-shop/