I’m making heavy use of Hetzner storageboxes, a rather slow network storage solution perfectly suited for backup tasks. Sadly they come with hickups resulting sometimes in a failed automount status where the machine may not recover from on it’s own. That’s so common that I got tired of checking monitoring or logging in to each individual machine. and to my aid!

for i in {bob,alice,steam,punk,younameit}; do echo "$i:"; systemctl --host "$i" status storagebox.automount; done
So how are my storagebox mounts today? Ah yes, yes, seems like two need a little pep talk.
Replacing broken avatar images with background SVG Emoji by @edent@edent (shkspr.mobi)
When someone on Twitter mentions my blog, the WordPress WebMentions plugin automatically fetches those Tweets and turns them into comments on the blog post. It looks something like this: Matt's smiling face. That is pretty cool - but has one slight problem. If someone changes their Twitter avatar, o...

Doing the same @edent – just less fancy:

background-image: url('/wp-content/plugins/semantic-linkbacks/img/mm.jpg');
background-size: contain;
The one where I spun up a virtual machine to deDRM my ebooks. by gergolippai (A day in the rants)
The area where I didn’t expect I would have to uncloud is books, but behold, it is happening. My kids addicted to books. They read all the time. They read in the car, they read in the evening…

Yeah, this happened to me before too: https://gergolippai.com/2021/08/29/the-one-where-i-spun-up-a-virtual-machine-to-dedrm-my-ebooks/

You bought a book, how wonderful! But you can only read it on our devices. Fuck portability. — gergolippai

And I scratched my itch in a similar way. Calibre ❤️


So this is what I got for replying to a question what others use as educational material for events in reenactment:

No one else can see your comment. We have these standards to prevent things such as false advertising, fraud and security breaches

Know what FB? Fuck you. Our fragile relationship is coming to a grinding halt here and now.

Worked on a mockup for some ideas on stream. I didn’t talk much but I certainly did NOT play Drown – Tyranny. In fact I didn’t stream ANY music. FFS Twitch, I refuse to take the blame if cutting cardboard sounds like some sick death metal!

Sometimes a backup or snapshot process is killed blocking any further backup. An LXC (or QM) may be left in a locked state and can not be unlocked. An IO error like this is thrown:
$ pct unlock $VMID
unable to open file '/etc/pve/nodes/$NODEID/lxc/$VMID.conf.tmp.32442' - Input/output error
Neither file nor process exist. The file can also not just be created, because it’s on a protected fuse mount. What usually helps is restarting the PVE-Cluster service (even on a single cluster node):
$ systemctl restart pve-cluster
$ pct unlock $VMID