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Tag: hausbauquatsch
Refurbished My Pell

Some weeks ago I managed to kill my old #pell for good. I never expected it to hold that long at all when I built it back in 2016. To be fair I slacked off a lot over the last year but thanks to recent events forcing everyone to stay at home I stepped up my #training again.
Don’t train alone, it only embeds your errors.
Vesimir, The Witcher 3
Well, Vesimir is right, but that choice do we have? So I spent the late afternoon refurbishing my fallen #pell.

Luckily there was another beam, that was part of the kitchen wall some years ago (#hausbauquatsch), with the same dimensions. I could even re-use most of the old post.
Some of the old screws were broken and I had to persuade the leftovers with a crowbar (I probably learned this in Half-Life ;))

And that’s it this time. I never came back to adding any sort of dampening mats. Some use carpet or rope. I’ve even seen tires used for this. Somehow I became very fond of flying splinters all over the place though. It’s a very satisfying feeling and I even made a video about this some years ago.
Wew. Had no idea that my father-in-law had a picture book of our house restoration printed. Feels like ages ago. #hausbauquatsch