James Wright on Twitter (Twitter)
“ARCHAEOLOGISTS: You're happily digging away when a member of The Great British Public leans over and says one (or all) of 3 things: 1) Found any gold yet? 2) What kind of dinosaur is that? 3) You can come dig my garden any day What's your best comeback lines?”

Angriff auf unsere Infrastruktur | Freifunk Stuttgart by wilhelmwilhelm (freifunk-stuttgart.de)
Am 3. Mai wurden Teile unserer Infrastruktur von Freifunk Stuttgart, die Dienste wie das Wiki, die Karte u.a. mehr anbieten, Opfer eines Hacker-Angriffes.

Ich bin schwer beeindruckt wie der -Stuttgart hier mit einem Vorfall in der Infrastruktur umgeht:


Erstens kann man davon was lernen, zweitens will ich ja definitiv auch so ein Teil und finde das irgendwie motivierend das endlich mal in Angriff zu nehmen 🥰

yulia on Twitter (Twitter)
“TC39 notes are published: https://t.co/Bhh2ISUbMA You can find a look at it from the SpiderMonkey perspective here: https://t.co/dVY7eWeKQO”

Interesting. Not so much because of technical notes this time but because of discussions around remote meetings and traveling.

Paul Law on Twitter (Twitter)
“Good Company is in Early Access! Get a copy on https://t.co/Ykdd44YqGV or Steam and start playing! https://t.co/d00qAKQOQJ”

Huh, Good Company is now Early Access: https://www.goodcompanygame.com/

I’d love to play this. Sadly it collides with my No Tux, No Bucks policy but perhaps it’s something for others 🙂