Reboot by BaschtBascht (
Irgendwann muss ich mich ja mal dazu überwinden, diese 6-Jahre große Lücke im Feed zu schließen. Seit gut 2014 hat sich zumindest unterhalb von /blog auf dieser Seite nichts mehr verändert. Nachdem ich aber über Daniel und Matthias vom Homebrew-Webseite-Club Karlsruhe einen Crashkurs in Sachen Indieweb belegt habe, hat sich hier (außerhalb von /blog) so einiges getan: Die Startseite hat kein 10 Jahre altes Foto mehr by Microblog (
For the next week, I’ll be giving the free trial of Inkl a go. It’s a news aggregator; the idea is they pay news outlets for their articles, and you pay Inkl for the clean ad-free interface and the warm fuzzies of helping to keep journalism limping along.

Inkl is an app, no? There is no feed (with a token) I could subscribe to if I understood this correctly.

And it was almost interesting.

Google will delete your data when inactive by Jan-Lukas ElseJan-Lukas Else (
Google is introducing new policies to cause data in unused products to be deleted after extended periods of inactivity. For example, anyone who has uploaded photos to Google Photos but does not use Google Photos for two years will have their photos automatically deleted. This is yet another reminder...

Google Photos? Inactivity? Haha. I lost count of how many times I disabled this to find it enabled after some months again for unknown reasons.

Hard to kill.