by Naldela Isur'Ra TeleyalNaldela Isur'Ra Teleyal (
Thinking about adding an #ebook version of my blog as download on my #homepage. The only real question is, if in English and German, like the homepage, or only in English? 🤔

@naldela_teleyal I like this idea a lot. The possibility to download an article archive (mayhap not every micro blog message xD) to go for later reading sounds great to me. Huge fan of reading in trains or the bathtub so I do have a “Read Later” list already.

Roger Norling (
In teaching, the answer given by the student is not as important as the response; that a thought process is provoked. Likewise, as instructors, we should focus more on the learning, instead of the...

Wise words on teaching in :

In teaching, the answer given by the student is not as important as the response; that a thought process is provoked. Likewise, as instructors, we should focus more on the learning, instead of the teaching.

These are fundamental pedagogical things which should be applied to HEMA too
Roger Norling

How to create a basic website? by Jan-Lukas ElseJan-Lukas Else (
Kev Quirk started a series of articles on how to handcraft a basic little website. It is always better to self-host a simple website, e.g. with links to contact options, than using services (and silos) like All My Links. His example (with instructions) is available on MyLight.Website. The series isn...

That was interesting but I stopped reading when I learned why no comments will be allowed. "Can’t be bothered reading all the feedback". So why bother reading the articles?

I Don’t Track You Here, But Others Might (
I much like Laura Kalbag’s “I don’t track you” declaration on her blog. She links to that post in the footer of her webpages. As Laura Kalbag says it’s “as much a fact as a mission statement“. I would definitely like to be able to say the same, because it’s important as a signal, as ...

This is awesome. Fighting with this so hard on my own blog. Providing no own cookies doesn’t mean there are really none the moment and 3rd party request comes into play. Even getting rid of Gravatar is a PITA.