Excuse me can I have the attention of the class for one second by ShawshankShawshank (Void If Removed)
Can you believe that!? It’s bullshit. BULLSHIT I SAY! Yeah, I’m being mostly silly – they changed all the covers on the Twilight books. Geezy-creezy. I’m still trying to complete the sets I h…

Oarrr I hate when they suddenly change the cover or, worse, the size of a book series! My inner monk is going nuts on this. There is always one in a line on the shelf where they did this.

https://chaos.social/@sindastra/107677454219879776 by Sindastra ✅Sindastra ✅ (chaos.social)
So, you got a PGP key, and you're not sure where to publish the public key? Well, now that SKS servers are deprecated and no longer recommended, I wrote an article on why SKS should no longer be used, and what alternatives you might want to try: https://www.sindastra.de/p/2111/where-to-publish-your-pgp-key

♻️ https://www.sindastra.de/p/2111/where-to-publish-your-pgp-key