Mal wieder ein sehr schönes Beispiel gegen das verbreitete Bild der wissenschaftsfeindlichen Kirche oder sogar des wissenschaftsfeidlichen Mittelalters ingesamt:In seinem Werk „Dragmaticon ph…
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When you are in my line of work, well firstly, you don’t have any. (Zing! LOL, help, join my Patreon.) Secondly you spend a bunch of time fighting against the myths about a thousand years of history or so that we have created to feel better about ourselves. One of the really rampant myths that I d...

A duck video conferencing with a mallet remember that early cartoon of the duck with a mallet about to break his computer? The pandemic has forced many organizations pivot to online training. Facilitators have quickly adjusted their in-person sessions to the age of Zoom. Perhaps, too quickly. Techno...
It’s snappier than front-of-the-front-end developer.
Astronauts and a Robot. This is a frustratingly good movie. I wish I had the film-making vocabulary to describe it properly. As a fun sci-fi heist, it is a triumph. The special effects are light-years beyond Star Wars – both the original and the sequels. The multi-lingual world it presents is poss...
Hurra, die überarbeitete und erweiterte Neuauflage von “Dann haben die halt meine Daten. Na und?!” ist endlich überall durch den Freigabeprozess durch und auf allen Plattformen verfügbar! 🎉 -> zur Buch-Detailseite mit Leseprobe und Links zu “den üblichen verdächtigen” Shops Kaum zu g...
Some ways of combining security and usability for two-factor authentication on the web.
This feels so very wrong. Like a failed gamification attempt. It would sure drive me away o0

This tweet has been making the rounds in IndieWeb spaces, and reflects a thing I’ve been thinking about on and off lately for obvious reasons:
The opening presentation from An Event Apart Online Together: Front-End Focus held online in August 2020.