Working on a #TonUINO music box for/with the little one. Hot wire mess but it’s alive and plays stuff based on the #RFID put on it’s reader.
Speaker is salvaged from a broken entertainment system. The rest are off the shelf modules for an #Arduino and some momentary push buttons 🤓
@beko just looked this project up. Sounds really cool, I might make one for my nephew.
@bekopharmOhoh… hab ich daran Schuld? 😄Schaut doch schon gut aus.Tipp: Heißklebepistole nicht vergessen. 😀
@beko What kind of case do you plan to build?
@f @beko It's an older post. The final thing is described at 🙂
@bekopharm @beko Haha, Awesome! Someone had to be boosted this in my timeline today 🙂