I’m stone rich again 😜 now what to do with all the old stones I excavated from the garden?
Kind: Photos
There was a time when the first things game manuals would explain to you is how to make a copy of the original data to save you, the customer, from losing access to your game.
Fixed some blinken lights that had a very unfortunate accident with a vacuum cleaner.
Living on the edge. What could possibly go wrong.
Lineage updater just exits with error. No idea what I’m missing. Here comes the hammer 😀
I’m "can’t believe I finished that floor in one go" old 😂
* Sent from my bathtub with muscle relaxer
This snow business is getting old fast.
🎂 🎉 made it another year 👌
Waterstones. Water. Stones. This is real. I didn’t believe it. They are really selling this.
We really deserve our meteor.
Found a leak. Yay. What else, 2020?