I upgraded to a HOTAS and as a side effect my little ones compete with me for stick time now 😱
Kind: Photos
Good morning. Looks like it’ll be a good caturday 😀
Ah.. this is the best week of spring for me. When all the stuff and especially the trees blossom 👌
I’ll be in my ~~bunk~~ jungle fort.
Kid found a hand glider and we got some wind today so.. hell, why not. Nobody tell me what to do for eastern 😂
Manual says this play tower is built in 8 hours with two people. Me four days later: Mebbe with screws only. Getting there 💪
Good enough. Now bathtub. Muscles are in pain (and I fell only once off the ladder 😅).
It’s hard to move on a caturday.
Usually one has cats to get rid of vermin. One of ours decided that catching bread is easier. I’ve mixed feelings on this.
Made use of the sunny weekend. Upgrades for the kids are coming. This is with the hope that they’ll play more outside (so I get more peace and silence inside 😜).