Update 23: 🕸 Quick update on Okuna for the web. · Openbook | Privacy-friendly, fun & honest social network. (Kickstarter)
_________ 👋 Hey there! Sorry  about the radio silence. We’ve been busy building Okuna for the web and  profile visibility settings to make sure who wishes to go internet-wide-public on our launch, can do it at the tap of a button. Here’s a peek into into our progress. Please allow a couple seconds for the demo GIFs to load. 🏡 Communities One of the great things of Okuna are its communities. We’re making sure the web version does them justice in looks and functionality. 👨‍🎨 Theming What  was that? Will there be theming available too like on the mobile version? Yes. We’ve designed our interface to be completely theme-able by members. 👨‍🎤 Profiles Profiles are also shaping up great. We have some more things to build like link previews and multi-column posts but we’ll get there. 😍 Using that extra space. We’re  also making sure we can use all that extra desktop space when looking  at all the c/openphotography community gorgeous photos. 🛎 Notifications Of course, lets not forget about the core of all interactions in the platform, the simple yet trusty notifications section. 📱 Mobile-friendly The web version is also mobile friendly and mostly mirrors the native apps. 🙅‍♀️ Profile visibility settings Finally,  we’re releasing profile visibility settings to make sure who wishes to  go internet-wide-public on our launch, can do it at the tap of a button. 🌯 That’s a wrap. Thanks to all of our Patrons and backers that support the day-to-day development of Okuna. We hope you’re all safe and wishing you a great weekend ahead. Stay tuned on our Twitter or in the official c/okuna community for more updates. We're working as hard as possible given our previously communicated circumstances to launch as soon as possible.

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