Added by one of the maintainers of Barrier, @p12tic: Please support this bounty to get Wayland support in Barrier A bounty for Wayland support has been posted to BountySource here. EDIT: $2550.42 h...
Format: Link

ICYMI (I certainly did...) the new Unity Hub can be installed from both deb and rpm repositories! No more janky AppImage sitting in your Downloads folder!
An outline for an ICAP/OCAP inspired distributed authorization scheme lifted to the (post-)web era.

If I post notes to my site instead of Twitter, who will see them? It’s not either or, it’s yes and. Post to your Own Site, and Syndicate Elsewhere (to Twitter etc.) POSSE directly or use a service like
Der IT-Sicherheitsforscher Ammar Askar hat seinen Roku TV gerootet. Er wollte keine 250 € für eine Philips Hue Sync Box ausgeben, um die benötigten Farbinformationen an seine vorhandenen Philips Hue Lampen zu übertragen. DIY Ambilight mit Hyperion Bereits in der Vergangenheit hatte ich einen Ar...
Gamification is neither good nor bad, but it can be used against you.

Dafaq, I just went to the store for some food stuffzies and when I was in line the coin machine was broken.. A girl from the store tried to fix it but it took some time. At some point this lady in front began to be annoying and telling the girl she needed to make a hurry.. I couldn't hold myself and...
Welp. Don’t think our building could deal with such a cold at all. We’re in trouble with -20°C already. Bad isolation especially on the heating pipes. Please don’t freeze in place!
Der Monat ist fast vorbei, meine Artikel haben alle nur über Kleinkram geredet. Je nach Maßstab ist egal was man macht alles eh nur solcher, aber es gibt doch ein paar andere Fast-Alltagsthemen mit...
2022 startet die Photovoltaik-Pflicht für alle Neubauten. Zunächst gilt dies für alle Nicht-Wohngebäude wie Firmendächer oder Parkplätze. Ab Mai sind auch private Häuslebauer gefordert.