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How RSS feels.
We took Daughter to the Experimentarium today. Lots of fun stuff to experiment with, like water basins, light, Olympic sports, soap bubbles and plenty more. So much so that it was a bit overwhelming at first. Nonetheless a fun afternoon.
(Written mostly to settle a good-natured disagreement.) One of the great advantages of HTML is that it can call on external resources. Your index.html can load a style.css and display a picture.jpg. But... it doesn't have to use external resources. (I know this isn't news to some of you - but everyo...

PulseAudio, the sound server for Linux systems has a big new release up that pulls in support for a number of new features and there's some new hardware support too. While PipeWire is the next generation, which actually supports PulseAudio, there's still plenty of life left in PulseAudio directly es...
Fyi for the nice folks out there I'm currently building a discord server, it's not just bikes and politics so not necessarily my usual crowd. If anyone gets interested, DM and I'll chuck a link in.
Hey there! How are you doing? What have you been up to? We hope that wherever you are, things are looking better than they did when we last sent an update. 🤔 What have we been up to? As we mentioned in our last update, we’ve been busy transitioning into Somus ! This has meant migrating an enormous codebase, laying fresh cloud infrastructure, handling the legal transitioning matters but most importantly, fundraising.