Played around with on the weekend. Mostly to debug my VAAPI issue and testing what runs well. It’s still a pain in the neck and some games I can only get to stream with tweaks but after all I’m kinda impressed. Not that it makes sense do play most of my library on a mobile phone but what works here does also work on the 55" in the living room 🤪

Due to circumstances we may have had a very tiny birthday celebration with 4 people in the car today.

Usually I wouldn’t lit a candle in the car but an exception was made.

Picture: a car dashboard with colorful plates and mini cakes.

The cat found the heating mat for my office chair. I use this because the room is hardly isolated and it makes no sense to bring the whole room to office temperatures in the freezing winter months.

The mat has 3 different heat settings and is designed for car use, obviously. The important part is the pressure sensor so it stops heating when nobody is sitting on it.

The cat weights enough to trigger that and enjoys it as comfortable spot to nap on now 😜