Elite Dangerous (elitedangerous.com)
Elite Dangerous brings gamingā€™s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy.

Elite Dangerous screenshot showing badly damaged ship systems

That went well. Hey, 4% on life support is not to shabby for almost flying into a sun while poking around in the menus šŸ˜€ And I even managed to land after finally finding the right button for the landing gear šŸ¤£

Mf2 and Video by Jan BoddezJan Boddez (jan.boddez.net)
I ran into a bit of an issue lately, and itā€™s to do with the way X-Ray, or rather php-mf2 parses video elements in HTML (i.e., an h-entry). The unfortunate frog Iā€™ll be dissecting is the page at https://beko.famkos.net/2021/05/03/head-tracking-for-x4-foundations-on-linux/. (Sorry!) Its source co...

Heh, sorry for making you jump the hoops @jan

The weird formatting is mostly because this is how Gutenberg wants to format videos. Hacking various sources into this is how I did it before Gutenberg, that would still not allow me to offer different formats (or subtitles). So this is basically a combination of both snippets with the hope that Gutenberg will eventually understand this.

I was delighted to see that Gutenberg would offer an additional CSS for videos now alas it’s added on the wrong tag and you picked exactly that test. Usually I put this manually on all sources. See https://beko.famkos.net/2021/05/15/playing-an-old-sound-box/ for example.

Final Chapter by Christine Dodrill (christine.website)

So much pain between the lines and I can even relate. I’ve been on freenode so long too. Can’t even remember when and why I joined but it was probably something Linux related oO

Guess it’s time to close our own little space there too. Don’t think we’ll move somewhere else though. Feels like an era coming to an end.

I guess all his money, well, it isnā€™t enough by ShawshankShawshank (Void If Removed)
Picture this ā€“ Iā€™m up to my neck organizing and inventorying our warehouse, listening to CNN, when I hear: Excuse me? Can you do me a favour? Random person walking by. Can you go into the othā€¦

Ahahaha, omg poor @Shawshank

Yes, some people are just like this. And this is the reason I love ticket systems. Put it in the box, k, thanks šŸ‘ŒšŸ˜‚

ā€œLooks like IĀ“m single againā€ Why canā€™t Twitter deal with this spam? by @edent (shkspr.mobi)
Twitter has never really solved its spam problem. It is a constant irritation that ordinary people get booted off the service for minor infractions, while large spam rings go unpunished. For the past few months, some of my old tweets have been getting liked by random women. Iā€™m sure youā€™ve see s...

@edent this pest is going on in every network and I really don’t get the point and I’m left with so many questions. Aren’t there very explicit apps for this that make it way easier to get to the targeted audience? Do they really have to flood random social networks with this? How does this pay off at all? Do people really engage with such blatant fake accounts?

I love sci-fi fantasy and spaceships. I also love buttons and switches but it seems that designers jump the “touch screens everywhere” train. Seems there is a secret contest who can cram in the most absurd amount of screens e.g. in a movie or game cockpit. I don’t like that.

Imagine you can not eject that critical core because your fancy touch screen went byebye on the last barrage/power-surge. “Technician is informed”?

This crept in basically everywhere. Give me back buttons. Clicky buttons! Shiny buttons! Glowing buttons!

There are some games – likeĀ Orbiter Space Flight Simulator (Ā http://orbit.medphys.ucl.ac.uk/ ) – that scratch that itch, but they tend to be on the simulation only side of things. I also like pew pew šŸ™