Slow Motion Pell Training (strong)

This video is about my heavy pell training.

I made a video about my usual pell training before so this is some sort of additional follow up.

When I started with pell training I trained stepping, distance, timing and other techniques that usually don’t involve strength. Or force, to be precise.

I knew that my swords could deal with a real beating. Some are in use for about 8 years by now. They survived lots of abusive tests, like throwing, and may not be in best shape any more.

So to get my muscles and joints used to stress I started to really beat up the pell. This was not about technics but to get used to the feedback recieved from real strikes.

I can’t apply the same force during sparring. Unlike a Federschwert the blunt doesn’t give much way and the risk is just not worth it.

But see for yourself how fast the pell gets gnawed off and enjoy the flying splinters in slow motion. Please note that I stood way to close to the pell to keep the camera as close as possible.

Again this is not a tutorial. I simply show what can be done.

On The Pell

Against a wooden stake. This was made to show you various way what you can train on your own with just a pell when there’s no partner around. Just be aware to train according to your weapon. Not every waster can deal with intense impact.

This was spontaneous recorded when I went for a training session in the afternoon while the weather was nice and sunny. We got cosy 5°C today.

I’m sorry for the terrible audio. This footage is recorded with a tablet and the micro just doesn’t cut it. Also I’m training behind the barn and there’s a frequented road next to it.

This was made to show you various ways how you can train on your own with just a pell when there’s no partner around. Just be aware to train according to your weapon. Not every waster can deal with intense impact. My blunt one is doing the job since 2012 and didn’t even start to rattle on the guard.


Read how I built my pell on my blog: