Adulting much today. Lots of slow leaks that need plugging 😩
Shower head broke, shower hose leaks, various siphons leak or are straight inoperable for years and the kitchen sink armature is a rusty clump by now.
Adulting much today. Lots of slow leaks that need plugging 😩
Shower head broke, shower hose leaks, various siphons leak or are straight inoperable for years and the kitchen sink armature is a rusty clump by now.
@bekopharm oh, Mist. Wasserschäden sind immer grausam.Ich hatte mir vor knapp 4 (oder waren es 5?) Jahren diese Brause gegönnt.Und bin echt zufrieden damit.Okay, die hat ihren Preis. Aber das war es mir wert.
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