Sunday and way too hot. On top my children kept bugging me: “Boring, I want to do something!”. So what’s better than hiding in the cool basement and build something?

We had this construction kit for an insect hotel laying around for quite some time now and this was the perfect day to assemble it.

The kit was short on pipe objects so in the end we drilled some ourselves to fill the hotel up properly. Such things are usually packed by weight so this can happen.

I’m surprised how well that went. Kids didn’t get into a fight and even sticked around until the end. They even painted it together. That’s quite something for our little circus here.

Now we have to find a good spot in the garden for it.

One thought on “Insect Hotel

  1. @bekopharm… und jetzt der männliche Part in deiner netten Fotogeschichte:”Ich will Feuerwehrmann werdeeeen.”*zündel*🏡 🔥Nein nein, ich mag dein Abenteuerland mit den Kleinen, wörklisch *schwört*🤞😉

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